Business Qualifications are now on offer. Eligible South Australians will pay as little as $250 via a South Australian Government Subsidy.

Skills Assessment

The concept behind TDT’s unique Training Hub is to deliver training for job attainment, career transitions, upskilling through qualifications, and developing foundation skills – transitional education and qualifications that meet skills in demand. TDT can provide services to include “Individualised Pathway Plans to Employment” to meet local and national skills in demand with career counselling, consulting services, outplacement and post-school support.

The transport industry faces two major challenges in the forms of attracting workers, but also in retaining them. TDT can provide all of the relevant services and training required by businesses in the transport industry to retain and continue enhancing the skills of their workforce. Our trainers work with businesses to ensure there is no disconnect between the needs of the job market and training requirements of the industry, such as truck drivers where there is a shortage.

TDT can work with employees and employers to assess their current skill levels across a range of licences and equipment. We can aid employers by conducting pre-employment assessment of potential staff. We can also train and assess current staff to ensure their skills are at the top of their game and meeting industry standards.

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